Saturday 23 April 2011

Berbagai Type U-boat Nazi German

Kapal selam. Dan dulu sampai sekarang dianggap sebagai mesin perang yang punya nilai strategis. Sulit dideteksi sehingga punya kemampuan menyelinap tanpa ketahuan lawan serta memiliki daya gempur, itulah alasan utamanya.

Nazi Jerman rupanya sadar betul dengan potensi yang dimiliki mesin perang yang satu ini. Benteng aturan dari negara-negara pemenang PD I dalam bentuk Traktat Versailles yang salah satu isinya adalah membatasi Jerman untuk mengembangkan teknologi kapal selam atau U-boat bisa dikelabui. Proses pengembangan diam-diam tetap berjalan dan walau sedikit meleset, AL Nazi Jerman atau Kriegsmarine mampu menyuguhkan sebuah komposisi kekuatan U-boat yang tergolong rapi dalam PD II.

Nazi Jerman rupanya sadar betul dengan potensi yang dimiliki mesin perang yang satu ini. Benteng aturan dari negara-negara pemenang PD I dalam bentuk Traktat Versailles yang salah satu isinya adalah membatasi Jerman untuk mengembangkan teknologi kapal selam atau U-boat bisa dikelabui. Proses pengembangan diam-diam tetap berjalan dan walau sedikit meleset, AL Nazi Jerman atau Kriegsmarine mampu menyuguhkan sebuah komposisi kekuatan U-boat yang tergolong rapi dalam PD II.

Sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lapangan, kekuatan U-boat Kriegsmarine terbagi menjadi tiga kategori. Mulai dari U-boat jarak dekat, menengah, dan jarak jauh. U-boat Type II dan XXIII misalnya masuk dalam golongan kekuatan jarak dekat yang umumnya dipakai untuk keperluan patroli pantai. Selanjutnya bagi keperluan patroli jarak menengah, ada keluarga besar Type VII. Terakhir U-boat Type IX dirancang buat memenuhi kebutuhan operasi jarak jauh. Semua penggelaran kekuatan, terutama untuk U-boat jarak jauh didukung oleh U-boat spesialis pemasok logistik. Bagi keperluan latih, Kriegsmarine menerapkan kebijakan komposit. Artinya jenis U-boat yang dipakai beragam.

                                                               U-boat types

                              Coastal boats


Long Range boats

Most victorious

Atlantic boats

The workhorse

Various boats

Mine layers
Torpedo transports
Aircraft traps

Special boats

Mine layers
Supply boats
Elektro boat
Elektro boat

Walter U-boats

V 80
Research boats
Research boats

Atlantic boats

Type U-Boat VIIA

Construction history of type VIIA

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-27 - U-32 AG Weser, Bremen908 - 913 1935 - 1937
U-33 - U-364 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel556 - 5591935 - 1936


Technical information for type VIIA

626 (sf)
745 (sm)
915 (total)
Length: (m) 64,51 oa
45,50 ph
Beam: (m) 5,85 oa
4,70 ph
Draught: (draft)4,37 m
Height:9,50 m
Power: (hp)2310 (sf)
750 (sm)
17 (sf)
8,0 (sm)
(miles / knots)
6200/10 (sf)
94/4 (sm)
4/1 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 22 TMA
Deck gun: 88/45
220 rounds
Crew: 42-46 men
Max depth: ca. 220 m
(722 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower.

Which was the most successful U-boat, Prien's U-47 and Schepke's U-100.

U-48, the most successful boat in the war, was of type VIIB.


Below you can see the 24 commissioned U-boats of this type.

Technical information for type VIIB

753 (sf)
857 (sm)
1040 (total)
Length: (m) 66,50 oa
48,80 ph
Beam: (m) 6,20 oa
4,70 ph
Draught: (draft)4,74 m
Height:9,50 m
Power: (hp)3200 (sf)
750 (sm)
17,9 (sf)
8,0 (sm)
(miles / knots)
8700/10 (sf)
90/4 (sm)
4/1 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 26 TMA
Deck gun: 88/45
220 rounds
Crew: 44-48 men
Max depth: ca. 220 m
(722 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower.

Type U-Boat VIIC

Construction history of type VIIC

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-69 - U-70 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel603 - 604 1938 - 1940
U-71 - U-72 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel618 - 619 1939 - 1941
U-77 - U-82 Bremer Vulkan-Vegesacker Werft, Bremen-Vegesack5 - 10 1939 - 1941
U-88 - U-92 Flender Werke AG, Lübeck292 - 296 1939 - 1942
U-93 - U-98 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel598 - 603 1938 - 1940
U-132 - U-136 Bremer Vulkan-Vegesacker Werft, Bremen-Vegesack11 - 15 1939 - 1941
U-201 - U-21212  F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel630 - 641 1939 - 1942
U-221 - U-23212  F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel651 - 662 1940 - 1942
U-235 - U-240 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel665 - 670 1941 - 1943
U-241 - U-25010  F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel675 - 684 1941
U-251 - U-29141  Bremer Vulkan-Vegesacker Werft, Bremen-Vegesack16 - 56 1939 - 1943
U-301 - U-31616  Flender Werke AG, Lübeck301 - 316 1940 - 1943
U-331 - U-35020  Nordseewerke, Emden203 - 222 1939 - 1943
U-351 - U-36616  Flensburger Schiffsbau-Ges, Flensburg470 - 485 1939 - 1943
U-367 - U-370 Flensburger Schiffsbau-Ges, Flensburg490 - 493 1941
U-371 - U-39020  Howaldtswerke AG, Kiel2 - 21 1939 - 1943
U-391 - U-394 Howaldtswerke AG, Kiel23 - 26 1941 - 1943
U-396 - U-400 Howaldtswerke AG, Kiel28 - 32 1941
U-401 - U-43030  Danziger Werft AG, Danzig102 - 131 1939 - 1943
U-431 - U-434 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1472 - 1475 1939 - 1941
U-435 - U-438 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1477 - 1480 1939 - 1941
U-439 - U-442 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1490 - 1493 1940 - 1942
U-443 - U-444 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1498 - 1499 1940 - 1942
U-445 - U-448 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1505 - 1508 1940 - 1942
U-449 - U-450 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1520 - 1521 1940 - 1942
U-451 - U-458 Deutsche Werke AG, Kiel282 - 289 1939 - 1941
U-465 - U-473 Deutsche Werke AG, Kiel296 - 304 1940 - 1943
U-475 - U-480 Deutsche Werke AG, Kiel306 - 311 1941 - 1943
U-481 - U-486 Deutsche Werke AG, Kiel316 - 321 1941 - 1944
U-551 - U-650100  Blohm & Voss, Hamburg527 - 626 1939 - 1942
U-651 - U-68333  Howaldtswerke Hamburg AG, Hamburg800 - 832 1939 - 1944
U-701 - U-705 H C Stülcken Sohn, Hamburg760 - 764 1939 - 1941
U-706 H C Stülcken Sohn, Hamburg766 1939 - 1941
U-707 - U-710 H C Stülcken Sohn, Hamburg771 - 774 1940 - 1942
U-711 - U-72212  H C Stülcken Sohn, Hamburg777 - 788 1940 - 1943
U-731 - U-734 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1522 - 1525 1940 - 1942
U-735 - U-740 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1532 - 1537 1941 - 1943
U-741 - U-746 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1544 - 1549 1941 - 1943
U-747 - U-750 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1557 - 1560 1941
U-751 - U-76818  Kriegsmarinewerft (KMW), Wilhelmshaven134 - 151 1939 - 1943
U-771 - U-779 Kriegsmarinewerft (KMW), Wilhelmshaven154 - 162 1940 - 1944
U-821 - U-822 Oderwerke AG, Stettin821 - 822 1941 - 1944
U-825 - U-826 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1588 - 1589 1942 - 1944
U-901 Stettiner Maschinenbau AG, Stettin14 1941 - 1944
U-903 - U-904 Flender Werke AG, Lübeck329 - 330 1942 - 1943
U-905 H C Stülcken Sohn, Hamburg802 1942 - 1943
U-907 H C Stülcken Sohn, Hamburg804 1942 - 1943
U-921 - U-928 Neptun Werft AG, Rostock508 - 515 1941 - 1944
U-951 - U-99444  Blohm & Voss, Hamburg151 - 194 1941 - 1943
U-1051 - U-1058 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel685 - 692 1941 - 1944
U-1101 - U-1102 Nordseewerke, Emden223 - 224 1941 - 1944
U-1131 - U-1132 Howaldtswerke AG, Kiel33 - 34 1941 - 1944
U-1161 - U-1162 Danziger Werft AG, Danzig133 - 134 1941 - 1943
U-1191 - U-121020 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1561 - 15801942 - 1944

Technical information for type VIIC

769 (sf)
871 (sm)
1070 (total)
Length: (m) 67,10 oa
50,50 ph
Beam: (m) 6,20 oa
4,70 ph
Draught: (draft)4,74 m
Height:9,60 m
Power: (hp)3200 (sf)
750 (sm)
17,7 (sf)
7,6 (sm)
(miles / knots)
8500/10 (sf)
80/4 (sm)
4/1 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 26 TMA
Deck gun: 88/45
220 rounds
Crew: 44-52 men
Max depth: ca. 220 m
(722 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower.

Type VIIC/41

91 boats commissioned

Construction history of type VIIC/41

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-292 - U-300 Bremer Vulkan-Vegesacker Werft, Bremen-Vegesack57 - 65 1941 - 1943
U-317 - U-32812  Flender Werke AG, Lübeck317 - 328 1941 - 1944
U-827 - U-828 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1590 - 1591 1942 - 1944
U-929 - U-930 Neptun Werft AG, Rostock516 - 517 1942 - 1944
U-995 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg195 1941 - 1944
U-997 - U-101014  Blohm & Voss, Hamburg197 - 210 1941 - 1944
U-1013 - U-102513  Blohm & Voss, Hamburg213 - 225 1942 - 1945
U-1063 - U-1065 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel700 - 702 1941 - 1944
U-1103 - U-1110 Nordseewerke, Emden225 - 232 1941 - 1944
U-1163 - U-117210  Danziger Werft AG, Danzig135 - 144 1941 - 1944
U-1271 - U-1279 Bremer Vulkan-Vegesacker Werft, Bremen-Vegesack66 - 74 1942 - 1944
U-1301 - U-13088 Flensburger Schiffsbau-Ges, Flensburg494 - 5011942 - 1945

U-995 is seen here in a rather dry environment for a U-boat!

All type VIIC/41 U-boats

Below you can see the 91 commissioned U-boats of this type.
U-292, U-293, U-294, U-295, U-296, U-297, U-298, U-299, U-300, U-317, U-318,
U-319, U-320, U-321, U-322, U-323, U-324, U-325, U-326, U-327, U-328, U-827,
U-828, U-929, U-930, U-995, U-997, U-998, U-999, U-1000, U-1001, U-1002, U-1003,
U-1004, U-1005, U-1006, U-1007, U-1008, U-1009, U-1010, U-1013, U-1014, U-1015, U-1016,
U-1017, U-1018, U-1019, U-1020, U-1021, U-1022, U-1023, U-1024, U-1025, U-1063, U-1064,
U-1065, U-1103, U-1104, U-1105, U-1106, U-1107, U-1108, U-1109, U-1110, U-1163, U-1164,
U-1165, U-1166, U-1167, U-1168, U-1169, U-1170, U-1171, U-1172, U-1271, U-1272, U-1273,
U-1274, U-1275, U-1276, U-1277, U-1278, U-1279, U-1301, U-1302, U-1303, U-1304, U-1305,
U-1306, U-1307, and U-1308.

Technical information for type VIIC/41

769 (sf)
871 (sm)
1070 (total)
Length: (m) 67,10 oa
50,50 ph
Beam: (m) 6,20 oa
4,70 ph
Draught: (draft)4,74 m
Height:9,60 m
Power: (hp)3200 (sf)
750 (sm)
17,7 (sf)
7,6 (sm)
(miles / knots)
8500/10 (sf)
80/4 (sm)
4/1 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 26 TMA
Deck gun: 88/45
220 rounds
Crew: 44-52 men
Max depth: ca. 250 m
(820 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower.

U-boat Types VIIC/42

Type VIIC/42

None Built

Contracts were signed for 164 boats

U-boats Builder Werk number
U-699 - U-700* Howaldtswerke, Hamburg (Werk 849 - 850)
U-783 - U-790 Kriegsmarinewerft, Wilhelmshaven (Werk 168 - 175)
U-913 - U-918 H C Stülcken, Hamburg (Werk 810 - 815)
U-937 - U-942 AG Neptun, Rostock (Werk 529 - 534)
U-1069 - U-1080* Germaniawerft AG, Kiel (Werk 706 - 717)
U-1093 - U-1100* Germaniawerft AG, Kiel (Werk 732 - 739)
U-1115 - U-1120* Nordseewerke, Emden (Werk 237 - 242)
U-1147 - U-1152 Howaldtswerke, Kiel (Werk 49 - 54)
U-1215 - U-1220 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig (Werk 1610 - 1615)
U-1292 - U-1297 Vegesacker Werft, Vegesack (Werk 87 - 92)
U-1313 - U-1318 Flensburger Schiffsbau, Flensburg (Werk 509 - 514)
U-1339 - U-1350 Flender-Werke AG, Lübeck (Werk 359 - 370)
U-1423 - U-1434 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg (Werk 273 - 284)
U-1440 - U-1463 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg (Werk 290 - 313)
U-1805 - U-1822 Danziger Werft AG, Danzig (Werk 167 - 184)
U-1901 - U-1904 Kriegsmarinewerft, Wilhelmshaven (Werk 176 - 179)
U-2001 - U-2004 Howaldtswerke, Hamburg (Werk 851 - 854)
U-2101 - U-2104 Germaniawerft AG, Kiel (Werk 740 - 743)
U-2301 - U-2318 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig (Werk 1616 - 1633)

Technical information for type VIIC/42

999 (sf)
1099 (sm)
1363 (total)
Length: (m) 68,70 oa
50,90 ph
Beam: (m) 6,85 oa
5,00 ph
Draught: (draft)5,00 m
Height:10,00 m
Power: (hp)4400 (sf)
750 (sm)
18,6 (sf)
7,6 (sm)
(miles / knots)
12600/10 (sf)
80/4 (sm)
4/1 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 26 TMA
Deck gun: No deck gun
Crew: 44-52 men
Max depth: ca. 270 m
(886 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower.

Special boats


61 boats commissioned

Construction history of type XXIII

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-2321 - U-233111  Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg475 - 485 1943 - 1944
U-2332 - U-2333 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel941 - 942 1944
U-2334 - U-236936  Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg488 - 523 1943 - 1945
U-2371 Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg525 1944 - 1945
U-4701 - U-4707 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel943 - 949 1944 - 1945
U-4709 - U-47124 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel951 - 9541944 - 1945

The first XXIII, U-2321, was launched from Deutsche Werft in Hamburg on 17 April, 1944, she was one of the 6 XXIII's that went on operational patrol around the British Isles in early 1945. U-4712 was the last one launched, on April 19, 1945.
The first XXIII to go out on patrol was U-2324 on 29 Jan 1945. The U-2336 under the command of Kptlt. Klusmeier sank the last ships sunk in WWII on May 7 when he sank two British freighters inside the Firth of Forth.
None of the 6 operational XXIII's (U-2321, U-2322, U-2324, U-2326, U-2329 and U-2336) was sunk by the allies during Jan - May 1945. 3 of these boats sank 4 ships for a total of 7,392 tons.
The following 7 boats were lost to various causes;
U-2323 (mined on 26 July 1944), U-2331 (training accident on 10 Oct 1944), U-2338 (sunk by British aircraft east-northeast of Frederika on May 4, 1945, the only XXIII to be sunk by the enemy, 12 dead) U-2342 (mined on 26 Dec 1944), U-2344 (rammed by U-2336 on 18 Feb 1945), U-2351 (paid off in April 1945 after bomb damages) and U-2367 (rammed by U-boat on 5 May 1945).

U-2363 after the surrender to the Allies.

All type XXIII U-boats

Below you can see the 61 commissioned U-boats of this type.

Technical information for type XXIII

234 (sf)
258 (sm)
275 (total)
Length: (m) 34,68 oa
26,00 ph
Beam: (m) 3,02 oa
3,00 ph
Draught: (draft)3,66 m
Height:7,70 m
Power: (hp)630 (sf)
580 (sm)
9,7 (sf)
12,5 (sm)
(miles / knots)
2600/8 (sf)
194/4 (sm)
2/0 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: No mines carried
Deck gun: No deck gun
Crew: 14-18 men
Max depth: ca. 180 m
(591 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower. 

Type XXI

118 boats commissioned

Construction history of type XXI

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-2501 - U-253131  Blohm & Voss, Hamburg2501 - 2531 1943 - 1945
U-2533 - U-2536 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg2533 - 2536 1943 - 1945
U-2538 - U-2546 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg2538 - 2546 1943 - 1945
U-2548 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg2548 1943 - 1945
U-2551 - U-2552 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg2551 - 2552 1943 - 1945
U-3001 - U-303535  AG Weser, Bremen1160 - 1194 1943 - 1945
U-3037 - U-3041 AG Weser, Bremen1196 - 1200 1943 - 1945
U-3044 AG Weser, Bremen1203 1943 - 1945
U-3501 - U-353030 F Schichau GmbH, Danzig1646 - 16751943 - 1945

U-2540, now called Wilhelm Bauer, as seen in Bremerhaven.

All type XXI U-boats

Below you can see the 118 commissioned U-boats of this type.
U-2501, U-2502, U-2503, U-2504, U-2505, U-2506, U-2507, U-2508, U-2509, U-2510, U-2511,
U-2512, U-2513, U-2514, U-2515, U-2516, U-2517, U-2518, U-2519, U-2520, U-2521, U-2522,
U-2523, U-2524, U-2525, U-2526, U-2527, U-2528, U-2529, U-2530, U-2531, U-2533, U-2534,
U-2535, U-2536, U-2538, U-2539, U-2540, U-2541, U-2542, U-2543, U-2544, U-2545, U-2546,
U-2548, U-2551, U-2552, U-3001, U-3002, U-3003, U-3004, U-3005, U-3006, U-3007, U-3008,
U-3009, U-3010, U-3011, U-3012, U-3013, U-3014, U-3015, U-3016, U-3017, U-3018, U-3019,
U-3020, U-3021, U-3022, U-3023, U-3024, U-3025, U-3026, U-3027, U-3028, U-3029, U-3030,
U-3031, U-3032, U-3033, U-3034, U-3035, U-3037, U-3038, U-3039, U-3040, U-3041, U-3044,
U-3501, U-3502, U-3503, U-3504, U-3505, U-3506, U-3507, U-3508, U-3509, U-3510, U-3511,
U-3512, U-3513, U-3514, U-3515, U-3516, U-3517, U-3518, U-3519, U-3520, U-3521, U-3522,
U-3523, U-3524, U-3525, U-3526, U-3527, U-3528, U-3529, and U-3530.

Technical information for type XXI

1621 (sf)
1819 (sm)
2100 (total)
Length: (m) 76,70 oa
60,50 ph
Beam: (m) 8,00 oa
5,30 ph
Draught: (draft)6,32 m
Height:11,30 m
Power: (hp)4000 (sf)
4400 (sm)
15,6 (sf)
17,2 (sm)
(miles / knots)
15500/10 (sf)
340/5 (sm)
6/0 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 12 TMC
Deck gun: No deck gun
Crew: 57-60 men
Max depth: ca. 280 m
(919 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower. 

Type XIV

10 boats commissioned

Construction history of type XIV

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-459 - U-464 Deutsche Werke AG, Kiel290 - 295 1940 - 1942
U-487 - U-4904 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel556 - 5591941 - 1943

All type XIV U-boats

Below you can see the 10 commissioned U-boats of this type.
U-459, U-460, U-461, U-462, U-463, U-464, U-487, U-488, U-489, and U-490.

Technical information for type XIV

1668 (sf)
1932 (sm)
2300 (total)
Length: (m) 67,10 oa
47,51 ph
Beam: (m) 9,35 oa
4,90 ph
Draught: (draft)6,51 m
Height:11,71 m
Power: (hp)3200 (sf)
750 (sm)
14,9 (sf)
6,2 (sm)
(miles / knots)
12350/10 (sf)
55/4 (sm)
(bow / stern tubes)
Mines: No mines carried
Deck gun: No deck gun
Crew: 53-60 men
Max depth: ca. 240 m
(787 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower.

Type XB

8 boats commissioned

Construction history of type XB

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-116 - U-118 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel615 - 617 1939 - 1941
U-119 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel624 1939 - 1941
U-219 - U-220 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel625 - 626 1940 - 1943
U-233 - U-2342 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel663 - 6641940 - 1944

All type XB U-boats

Below you can see the 8 commissioned U-boats of this type.

Technical information for type XB

1763 (sf)
2177 (sm)
2710 (total)
Length: (m) 89,80 oa
70,90 ph
Beam: (m) 9,20 oa
4,75 ph
Draught: (draft)4,71 m
Height:10,20 m
Power: (hp)4800 (sf)
1100 (sm)
17,0 (sf)
7,0 (sm)
(miles / knots)
18450/10 (sf)
93/4 (sm)
0/2 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 66 SMA
Deck gun: 105/45
200 rounds
Crew: 48-60 men
Max depth: ca. 220 m
(722 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower. 

Long Range boats

Type IXD

30 boats commissioned

Construction history of type IXD

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-177 - U-182 AG Weser, Bremen1017 - 1022 1940 - 1942
U-195 - U-200 AG Weser, Bremen1041 - 1046 1940 - 1942
U-847 - U-852 AG Weser, Bremen1053 - 1058 1941 - 1943
U-859 - U-864 AG Weser, Bremen1065 - 1070 1941 - 1943
U-871 - U-8766 AG Weser, Bremen1079 - 10841941 - 1944

All type IXD U-boats

Below you can see the 30 commissioned U-boats of this type.
U-177, U-178, U-179, U-180, U-181, U-182, U-195, U-196, U-197, U-198, U-199,
U-200, U-847, U-848, U-849, U-850, U-851, U-852, U-859, U-860, U-861, U-862,
U-863, U-864, U-871, U-872, U-873, U-874, U-875, and U-876.

Technical information for type IXD

1616 (sf)
1804 (sm)
2150 (total)
Length: (m) 87,60 oa
68,50 ph
Beam: (m) 7,50 oa
4,40 ph
Draught: (draft)5,40 m
Height:10,20 m
Power: (hp)4400 (sf)
1000 (sm)
19,2 (sf)
6,9 (sm)
(miles / knots)
23700/12 (sf)
57/4 (sm)
4/2 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 48 TMA
Deck gun: 105/45
150 rounds
Crew: 55-63 men
Max depth: ca. 230 m
(755 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower. 

Type IXC/40

87 boats commissioned

Construction history of type IXC/40

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-167 - U-170 Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau AG, Bremen706 - 709 1940 - 1943
U-183 - U-188 AG Weser, Bremen1023 - 1028 1940 - 1942
U-189 - U-194 AG Weser, Bremen1035 - 1040 1940 - 1943
U-525 - U-532 Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg340 - 347 1940 - 1942
U-533 - U-538 Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg351 - 356 1941 - 1943
U-539 - U-55012  Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg360 - 371 1941 - 1943
U-801 - U-806 Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau AG, Bremen359 - 364 1940 - 1944
U-841 - U-846 AG Weser, Bremen1047 - 1052 1941 - 1943
U-853 - U-858 AG Weser, Bremen1059 - 1064 1941 - 1943
U-865 - U-870 AG Weser, Bremen1073 - 1078 1941 - 1944
U-877 - U-881 AG Weser, Bremen1085 - 1089 1942 - 1944
U-889 AG Weser, Bremen1097 1942 - 1944
U-1221 - U-123515 Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg384 - 3981941 - 1944

U-805 of type IXC/40 is seen here shortly after its surrender in 1945.

All type IXC/40 U-boats

Below you can see the 87 commissioned U-boats of this type.
U-167, U-168, U-169, U-170, U-183, U-184, U-185, U-186, U-187, U-188, U-189,
U-190, U-191, U-192, U-193, U-194, U-525, U-526, U-527, U-528, U-529, U-530,
U-531, U-532, U-533, U-534, U-535, U-536, U-537, U-538, U-539, U-540, U-541,
U-542, U-543, U-544, U-545, U-546, U-547, U-548, U-549, U-550, U-801, U-802,
U-803, U-804, U-805, U-806, U-841, U-842, U-843, U-844, U-845, U-846, U-853,
U-854, U-855, U-856, U-857, U-858, U-865, U-866, U-867, U-868, U-869, U-870,
U-877, U-878, U-879, U-880, U-881, U-889, U-1221, U-1222, U-1223, U-1224, U-1225,
U-1226, U-1227, U-1228, U-1229, U-1230, U-1231, U-1232, U-1233, U-1234, and U-1235.

Technical information for type IXC/40

1120 (sf)
1232 (sm)
1545 (total)
Length: (m) 76,76 oa
58,75 ph
Beam: (m) 6,86 oa
4,44 ph
Draught: (draft)4,67 m
Height:9,60 m
Power: (hp)4400 (sf)
1000 (sm)
19 (sf)
7,3 (sm)
(miles / knots)
13850/10 (sf)
63/4 (sm)
4/2 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 44 TMA
Deck gun: 105/45
110 rounds
Crew: 48-56 men
Max depth: ca. 230 m
(755 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower. 

Type IXC

54 boats commissioned

Construction history of type IXC

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-66 - U-68 AG Weser, Bremen985 - 987 1939 - 1941
U-125 - U-131 AG Weser, Bremen988 - 994 1939 - 1941
U-153 - U-158 AG Weser, Bremen995 - 1000 1939 - 1941
U-159 - U-160 AG Weser, Bremen1009 - 1010 1939 - 1941
U-161 - U-166 Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau AG, Bremen700 - 705 1939 - 1942
U-171 - U-176 AG Weser, Bremen1011 - 1016 1939 - 1941
U-501 - U-506 Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg291 - 296 1939 - 1941
U-507 - U-51812  Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg303 - 314 1939 - 1942
U-519 - U-5246 Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg334 - 3391940 - 1942

All type IXC U-boats

Below you can see the 54 commissioned U-boats of this type.

Technical information for type IXC

1120 (sf)
1232 (sm)
1540 (total)
Length: (m) 76,76 oa
58,75 ph
Beam: (m) 6,76 oa
4,40 ph
Draught: (draft)4,70 m
Height:9,40 m
Power: (hp)4400 (sf)
1000 (sm)
18,3 (sf)
7,3 (sm)
(miles / knots)
13450/10 (sf)
63/4 (sm)
4/2 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 44 TMA
Deck gun: 105/45
110 rounds
Crew: 48-56 men
Max depth: ca. 230 m
(755 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower. 

Type IXB

14 boats commissioned

Construction history of type IXB

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-64 - U-65 AG Weser, Bremen952 - 953 1937 - 1940
U-103 - U-110 AG Weser, Bremen966 - 973 1938 - 1940
U-111 AG Weser, Bremen976 1939 - 1940
U-122 - U-1243 AG Weser, Bremen954 - 9561937 - 1940

All type IXB U-boats

Below you can see the 14 commissioned U-boats of this type.

Technical information for type IXB

1051 (sf)
1178 (sm)
1430 (total)
Length: (m) 76,50 oa
58,75 ph
Beam: (m) 6,76 oa
4,40 ph
Draught: (draft)4,70 m
Height:9,60 m
Power: (hp)4400 (sf)
1000 (sm)
18,2 (sf)
7,3 (sm)
(miles / knots)
12000/10 (sf)
64/4 (sm)
4/2 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 44 TMA
Deck gun: 105/45
110 rounds
Crew: 48-56 men
Max depth: ca. 230 m
(755 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower. 

Type IX

8 boats commissioned

Construction history of type IX

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-37 - U-448 AG Weser, Bremen942 - 9491936 - 1939

U-42 of type IX seen here in a pre-war photo.

All type IX U-boats

Below you can see the 8 commissioned U-boats of this type.
U-37, U-38, U-39, U-40, U-41, U-42, U-43, and U-44.

Technical information for type IX

1032 (sf)
1152 (sm)
1408 (total)
Length: (m) 76,60 oa
58,75 ph
Beam: (m) 6,51 oa
4,40 ph
Draught: (draft)4,70 m
Height:9,40 m
Power: (hp)4400 (sf)
1000 (sm)
18,2 (sf)
7,7 (sm)
(miles / knots)
10500/10 (sf)
78/4 (sm)
4/2 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 44 TMA
Deck gun: 105/45
110 rounds
Crew: 48-56 men
Max depth: ca. 230 m
(755 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower. 

Walther U-boats


Large combat version

The XXI which was designed from the XVIII plans

Technical information

1485 sf
1652 sm
1887 total
71.50 oa
6.20 oa
5.30 ph
Height (m)
4000 to
4400 ehp sf
396 ehp sm
15,000 ehp sm*
3000/17 sf
45/4 sm
202/24 sm*
17.0 to
18.5 sf
7.0 sm
24.0 sm*
Oil Supply
124 max + 204 (H2O2)
(Max #)
Max Depth
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower, nm = Nautical miles
* Walter turbine


Wa 201 and Wk 202 designs

U-792 Walter submarine
U-792 running trials outside of Hamburg.

U-boat Type Builder Werk # Built:
U-792 & U-793 Wa 201 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg 455 & 456 1942
U-794 & U-795 Wk 202 Germaniawerft, Kiel 718 & 719 1942


U-792. Type XVIIA. Launched on 28 Sep 1943 and commissioned on 16 Nov 1943.
Fate: Used for trials. Scuttled at 0130hrs on 4 May, 1945 in position 54.19N, 09.43E in the Audorfer See, near Rendsburg.
U-793. Type XVIIA. Launched on 4 Mar 1944 and commissioned on 24 Apr 1944.
Fate: Scuttled at 0130hrs on 4 May, 1945 in position 54.19N, 09.43E in the Audorfer See, near Rendsburg.
U-794. Type XVIIA. Launched on 7 Oct 1943 and commissioned on 14 Nov 1943.
Fate: Used for trials and scuttled on May 5, 1945 in Gelting Bay. Later raised and broken up.
U-795. Type XVIIA. Launched on 21 Mar 1944 and commissioned on 22 Apr 1944.
Fate: Used for trials and scuttled on May 3, 1945 at Germaniawerft in Kiel. Later broken up.

Technical information for Wa 201

277 sf
309 sm
373 total
39.05 oa
26.15 ph
4.50 oa
3.30 ph
Height (m)
210 to
230 ehp sf
77.5 ehp sm
5000 ehps*
2910/8.5 sf
50/2 sm
127/20 sm*
9.0 sf
5.0 sm
24-25 sm*
Oil Supply
18 max + 34
(Max #)
Max Depth
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower, nm = Nautical miles
* Walter turbine drive

Technical information for Wk 202

236 sf
259 sm
312 total
36.60 oa
4.50 oa
3.40 ph
Height (m)
210 to
230 ehp sf
77.5 ehp sm
5000 ehps*
1840/9 sf
76/2 sm
117/20 sm*
9.0 sf
5.0 sm
24-25 sm*
Oil Supply
14 max + 40
(Max #)
Max Depth
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower, nm = Nautical miles
* Walter turbine drive


V 80 Walter submarine

This was the first Walter boat, known as V80. It was built at Germaniawerft in Kiel during 1939-1940 
and was driven by one Germaniawerft Walter turbine (20,000rpm). A crew of 4 was needed to operate 
the vessel which was unarmed and built purely for research purposes. V80 was used for various trials 
and shattered all underwater speed records at the time when the boat reached 28 knots. V80 was 
taken out of service at the end of 1942, and was scuttled at Hela in March 1945.

Technical information

73 sf
76 sm
85.5 total
22.05 oa
16.90 ph
2.10 oa
2.10 ph
Height (m)
2500 ehp sm
28 sm
Oil Supply
21 (H2O2)
(Max #)
Max Depth
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower, nm = Nautical miles


Small Coastal Research vessels

U-boat Builder Werk # Built:
U-1405 - U-1407 Blohm & Voss, Hamburg 255 - 257 1943 - 1944


U-1405. Type XVIIB. Launched on 1 Dec 1944 and commissioned on 21 Dec 1944.
Fate: Scuttled on 5 May, 1945 in Eckernfjörde Bay. Later broken up.

U-1406. Type XVIIB. Launched on 2 Jan 1945 and commissioned on 8 Feb 1945.
Fate: Surrendered on 5 May 1945 at Cuxhaven, Germany along with all boats stationed there. Its crew abandoned the boat according to orders.

U-1406 and U-1407 were scuttled by Oblt. Gerhard Grumpelt without permission on 7 May. Read our article U—1406 and U—1407. Were they Scuttled or did they Surrender?.
Later raised and transported to the USA on the deck of the US transport vessel Shoemaker on 15 Sept, 1945. She was used for trials by the US Navy and broken up in New York harbor sometime after 18 May, 1948 (Waller & Niestlé, 2010).
U-1407. Type XVIIB.Commissioned on 13 Mar 1945.
Fate: Surrendered on 5 May 1945 at Cuxhaven, Germany along with all boats stationed there. Its crew abandoned the boat according to orders.

U-1406 and U-1407 were scuttled by Oblt. Gerhard Grumpelt without permission on 7 May. Read our article U—1406 and U—1407. Were they Scuttled or did they Surrender? (Waller & Niestlé, 2010).


U-1408 through U-1410 (3 boats) were under construction at Blohm & Voss in Hamburg from 1943 but were not complete when the war ended.
U-1411 through U-1416 (6 boats) Under construction at Blohm & Voss in Hamburg (Werk # 260-266) but were cancelled on 20 Sept, 1943 in favour of the XXI.

Technical information

312 sf
337 sm
415 total
41.45 oa
27.30 ph
4.50 oa
3.30 ph
Height (m)
210 to
230 ehp sf
77.5 ehp sm
2,500 ehp sm*
3000/8 sf
76/2 sm
123/25 sm*
8.5 to
8.8 sf
5.0 sm
25.0 sm*
Oil Supply
20.2 max + 52 (H2O2)
(Max #)
Max Depth
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower, nm = Nautical miles
* Walter turbine

Varios Boats

U-boat Types U-Flak 1

Type U-flak

4 operational

The U-flak boats were 4 VIIC boats (U-441, U-256, U-621 and U-953) that were modified to act as surface escorts for the incoming/outgoing attack u-boats operating from the French Atlantic bases. They had greatly increased anti-aircraft fire-power and were intended as aircraft traps.

3 more U-boats were taken aside as additional U-flak boats (U-211, U-263 and U-271) but none of them was completed as Flak boats although conversion did certainly start on all of them. They were eventually returned to duty as traditional VIIC attack boats.

U-Flak 1
The feared quadruple 2.2cm fast firing anti-aircraft gun.
The modifications took place in 1943 and the boats became operational in June 1943 and had excellent successes against the surprised RAF aircraft. Dönitz realized their potential and ordered the boats to cross the Bay of Biscay in groups at max speed. The effort gave the Germans only about 2 months of still-limited freedom though until the RAF developed counter-measures where they called in surface hunters to assist the aircraft and the U-flak boats were withdrawn and converted back into fighting vessels.

U-flak - the origins of the idea

On 31/08/42 U-256 (on her first cruise sailing from Kiel on 28/07/42 to proceed to Lorient via the North Atlantic) was seriously damaged by Whitley 'B' of Sq 502. The boat was nearly scrapped but it was decided to adapt her into a U-flak - a heavily AA armed boat intended to lure unsuspecting aircraft to a deadly trap. It was expected to stop heavy losses in the Bay of Biscay inflicted by Allied aircraft by deploying a number of U-flaks.
Although U-256 was the first boat to be converted into a U-flak, the reconstruction was delayed. In the meantime, on 16/04/43, it was decided to convert U-441 in the same way. The third and fourth Flakvierling mounts available (20mm quadruple sets) and the first experimental 37mm automatic gun were installed on U-441. Also, a battery of 86mm line-carrying AA rockets was installed (but this idea proved unworkable).
It is sometimes indicated that two additional single 20mm guns were also carried. The fuel capacity was limited to Bay of Biscay operations only. Only 5 torpedoes were carried - in the tubes - for self-defence (room was needed for additional gunners taken aboard).

First operations

Flak-U1 or U-441 sailed on 22/05/43 from Brest on her 5th patrol commanded by KL Goetz von Hartman. On 24/05/43 U-441 was attacked by Sunderland 'L' of Sq 228, shot the aircraft down but got seriously damaged by aerial depth-charges and was forced to return arriving on 26/05/43.
The effectiveness of improved AA weaponry was overestimated and resulted in ordering U-boats to pass the Bay of Biscay on the surface in groups. This in turn resulted in heavy losses due to the group tactics adopted by the Allied aircraft.

Further actions

U-441 as U-flak again sailed from Brest on 8/07/43. On 12/07/43 she was attacked by Beaufighters 'A', 'B' and 'V' of Sq 248 and ended up badly damaged with heavy casualties (10 men dead, 13 wounded) in spite of the initial heavy AA fire. U-441 returned on 13/07/43.
U-621 was converted into U-flak in June 43, after being damaged on her 4th cruise, by Liberator 'Q' of Sq 224 on 31/05/43. U-621 as U-flak sailed on 29/08/43 and scored no success on her 5th one month patrol. After being reverted to a normal flak armament she was damaged by aircraft on 6th cruise, by Liberator 'A' of Sq 59 on 13/01/44.


The number of U-flaks sometimes is given as greater than 7. The confusion may arise from the fact that many boats carried extended AA armament, including additional guns installed forward of the bridge (and therefore easily confused with U-flaks).

U-Flak 1
U-Flak 1

U-flak Operations

5 1943U-441 Operations in the Bay of Biscay
7 1943U-441 Operations in the Bay of Biscay
8/9 1943U-621 Operations in the Bay of Biscay
10 1943U-256, U-271 AA cover in the refueling area north of the Azores
10 1943U-953 Operations on the Bay of Biscay
10/11 1943U-211, U-441 U-953 Group Schill against convoys MKS 28 an MKS 29, for U-953 it was just one long patrol.


4 boats commissioned

Construction history of type VIIF

U-boatsShipyardWerk #Built during
U-1059 - U-10624 F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, Kiel693 - 6961941 - 1943

These boats, designed in 1941, were primarily built as torpedo transports and were never fitted with the typical 88mm deck guns found on other VII type boats. They had 5 torpedo tubes (4 at the bow and 1 at the stern) and as attack boats they would carry 14 torpedoes but in their transport role they would have up to 39 torpedoes onboard.
Two of them, U-1062 and U-1059, were sent to support the Monsun boats in the far East waters. They were the largest and heaviest type VII boats built.

All type VIIF U-boats

Below you can see the 4 commissioned U-boats of this type.
U-1059, U-1060, U-1061, and U-1062.

Technical information for type VIIF

1084 (sf)
1181 (sm)
1345 (total)
Length: (m) 77,63 oa
60,40 ph
Beam: (m) 7,30 oa
4,70 ph
Draught: (draft)4,91 m
Height:9,60 m
Power: (hp)3200 (sf)
750 (sm)
17,6 (sf)
7,9 (sm)
(miles / knots)
14700/10 (sf)
75/4 (sm)
4/1 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: No mines carried
Deck gun: No deck gun
Crew: 46-52 men
Max depth: ca. 200 m
(656 feet)
sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower.

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