Wednesday 27 April 2011

Jenis Rudal dari Udara ke Udara

Picture AIM-120A AMRAAM
Country USA
Manufacturer Hughes Missile Systems Division
Date Deployed 1991
Range 72 km (Some sources claim 48 km)
Speed Mach 4
Propulsion One solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance Mid-course inertial navigation and Hughes active radar.
Warhead 20 kg proximity and impact delay fused blast/fragmentation
Launch Weight 152 kg
Length 3.66 m
Diameter 0.178 m
Fin Span 0.63 m
Platforms F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon, F/A-18 Hornet, F-4F Phantom, JAS-39 Gripen, Tornado, Sea-Harrier
Remarks Raytheon is also integrating the AIM-120 on the Eurofighter Typhoon, F/A-22A and Harrier II+

Name AIM-54A/C Phoenix
Picture AIM-54A/C Phoenix
Country USA
Manufacturer Hughes Missiles Systems
Date Deployed 1973
Range 180 km
Speed Mach 4.3+
Propulsion One Aerojet Mk 60 Mod 0 or Rocketdyne Mk 47 Mod 0 solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance Hughes DSQ-26 system using inertial, semi-active and active radar
Warhead 59.9 kg Bendix IR and Downey Mk 334 radar proximity and impact delay fused continuous rod blast/fragmentation
Launch Weight 446.8 kg
Length 4.01 m
Diameter 0.38 m
Fin Span 0.925 m
Platforms The F-14 Tomcat navy planes

Name AIM-7F/M Sparrow
Picture AIM-7F/M Sparrow
Country USA
Manufacturer Raytheon Co.
Date Deployed July 1956
Range 100 km
Speed Mach 3.7
Propulsion One Hercules Mk 58 Mod 0 or Aerojet Mk 65 Mod 0 dual-thrust solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance Raytheon Advanced Monopulse Seeker inverse-monopulse semi-active radar homing
Warhead 39.9 kg proximity and impact delay fused Mk 71 continuous- rod blast/fragmetation
Launch Weight 228.2 kg
Length 3.68 m
Diameter 0.203 m
Fin Span 1.02 m
Platforms F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon, F/A-18 Hornet

Name AIM-9L/M Sidewinder
Picture AIM-9L/M Sidewinder
Country USA
Manufacturer Raytheon Co. and Ford Aerospace and Communications Co.
Date Deployed 1976 for L  1983 for M
Range 29.03 km
Speed Mach 2.5
Propulsion One Thiokol or Bermite Mk 36 Model 7/8 solid-propellant rocket motor or ( later ) One reduced-smoke Thiokol Mk 36 Mod 9 ( TX-683 ) solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance DSQ-29 IR homing
Warhead 10.2 kg Hughes DSU-15/B active laser-fused WDU-17 annular blast/fragmentation
Launch Weight 85.3 kg
Length 2.85 m
Diameter 0.127 m
Fin Span 0.63 m

Name Skyflash
Picture Skyflash
Country UK
Manufacturer British Aerospace
Date Deployed 1978
Range 45 km
Speed Mach 4
Propulsion One Aerojet Mk52 Mod 2 or Rocketdyne Mk38 Mod 4 solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance Marconi XJ521 monopulse Semi-Active Radar Homing
Warhead 39.5-kg HE fragmentation with contact, delay action fuses.
Launch Weight 192.8 kg
Length 3.68 m
Diameter 0.203 m
Fin Span 1.02 m
Platforms Tornado

Picture AIM-132 ASRAAM
Country UK, Germany and Norway
Manufacturer British Aerospace
Date Deployed 1998 ?
Range 300 m to 15 km
Speed Mach 3+
Propulsion One dual-thrust solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance strapdown inertial and Imaging Infrared
Warhead 10 kg blast/fragmentation
Launch Weight 100 kg
Length 2.73 m
Diameter 0.168 m
Fin Span 45 cm

Picture MICA
Country France
Manufacturer Matra
Date Deployed 1996 ?
Range 50 km
Speed Mach 4
Propulsion One SNPE solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance Inertial with ESD Actif 4A active/semi-active radar or SAT IR on final approach.
Warhead Thomson Brandt blast/fragmentation 26.5 lb (12 kg)
Launch Weight 110 kg
Length 3.10 m
Diameter 0.150 m
Fin Span 0.56 m
Platforms Mirage 2000, Rafale,

Name Mistral (ATAM)
Picture Mistral (ATAM)
Country France
Manufacturer ?
Date Deployed 1988?
Range 5 km (at 4 km effective against helicopters )
Speed 2763 km/h
Propulsion two stage solid propellant boost motor
Guidance All-aspect Infra-red
Warhead 3 kg HE tungsten ball
Fuze Laser proximity
Launch Weight 18 kg
Length 1.80 m
Diameter 90 mm
Fin Span 180 mm

Name Super 530F/D
Picture Super 530F/D
Country France
Manufacturer Matra
Date Deployed 19?? / 1979
Range 35 km
Speed Mach 3.7
Guidance EMD Super AD26 semi-active radar homing
Warhead 30 kg HE fragmentation with radar proximity fuze ( active radar fuzeing for D model)
Launch Weight 245 kg (270 kg active radar fuze)
Length 3.54 m (3.80 m)
Diameter 263 mm
Tailspan 0.64 m forward fins; 0.88 m aft fins

Name R.550 Magic
Picture R550 Magic
Country France
Manufacturer Matra
Date Deployed 1975
Range 9.3 km
Speed Mach 2.7
Propulsion SNPE Romeo single-stage composite-DB rocket
Guidance Infra-red ( not all-aspect )
Warhead 12.5 kg high explosive
Launch Weight 89.8 kg
Length 2.77 m
Diameter 157 mm
Fin Span 660 mm
Platforms F-8E Crusader, Super Etendard

Name R550 Magic 2 MK2
Picture R550 Magic 2
Country France
Manufacturer Matra S.A.
Date Deployed 1985
Range 320m minimum to 5,400m maximum
Speed Mach 2.7
Propulsion Advanced SNPE Richard rocket motor
Guidance Infra-red homing all aspect
Warhead 12.5 kg Blast fragmentation with radar proximity fuze
Launch Weight 89.8 kg
Length 2.75 m
Diameter 157mm
Fin Span 0.66 m
Platforms Mirage 2000, Rafale, Super Etendard

Name Aspide Mk1/Mk2
Picture Aspide Mk1/Mk2
Country Italy
Manufacturer Selenia
Date Deployed ?
Range 1 - 55 km; 80 km
Speed Mach 4
Propulsion One SNIA-Viscosa solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance Selenia monopulse semi-active radar homing
Warhead 33 kg SNIA Difesa e Spazio blast/fragmentation
Launch Weight 220 kg; 230 kg
Length 3.70 m; 3.65 m
Diameter 203 mm; 210 mm
Fin Span 1.00 m ; 1.00 m

Name Python 3
Picture Python 3
Country Israel
Manufacturer Raytheon Armament Development Authority
Date Deployed Mid 1980's
Range 0.5 km to 15 km
Speed Mach 3.5
Propulsion One Rafael Armaments Development Authority double-base solid propellant rocket motor
Guidance IR homing
Warhead 11 kg
Launch Weight 120 kg
Length 3.00 m
Diameter 160 mm
Fin Span 0.86 m
Remarks The Python can be fitted to F-15, F-16, all types of Mirage, F-5, F-4 Phantom and Kfir C-2 and C-7 aircraft

Name Python 4
Picture Python 4
Country Israel
Manufacturer Raytheon Armament Development Authority
Date Deployed Mid 1980's
Range 0.5 km to 15 km
Speed Mach 3.5
Propulsion One Rafael Armaments Development Authority double-base solid propellant rocket motor
Guidance IR homing
Warhead 11 kg
Launch Weight 120 kg
Length 3.00 m
Diameter 160 mm
Fin Span 0.86 m

Name R-40R/T ( AA-6A/B Acrid )
Picture R-40R/T / AA-6A/B Acrid
Country Russia
Manufacturer -
Date Deployed Late 60s
Range 30 km (R-40); 50 km (R-40TD and R-40RD)
Speed Mach 4.5
Propulsion One solid-propellant rocket motor
Fuze Radar and active laser
Guidance Command, inertial and semi-active radar (R-40R); Command, inertial and IR (R-40T)
Warhead 70 kg HE fragmentation
Launch Weight 475 kg
Length 6.2 m
Diameter 355 mm
Fin Span 1.8 m
Platforms Mig-25 Foxbat

Name R-60 ( AA-8 Aphid )
Picture R-60 / AA-8 Aphid
Country Russia
Manufacturer ?
Date Deployed 1975
Range 3 km, 5 km 10 km
Speed Mach 2+
Propulsion One solid-propellant rocket motor
Fuze Two active radar fuze aerials located aft of the moving control fins, and a single strake running down the forward half of the body. Active laser in R-60M
Guidance All aspect Infrared
Warhead 6 kg ( 1.6 kg of which is uranium ) HE fragmentation
Launch Weight 65 kg
Length 2.08 m
Diameter 130 mm
Fin Span 0.43 m
Platforms Su-24 FencerSu-25 Frogfoot Mig-23/27 Flogger

Name R-33E ( AA-9 Amos )
Picture R-33E / AA-9 Amos
Country Russia
Manufacturer Vympel
Date Deployed 1985?
Range 160 km
Speed Mach 4.5
Propulsion solid rocket
Fuze Active radar
Guidance Inertial, command updates and semi-active radar
Warhead 47 kg HE fragmentation
Launch Weight 490 kg
Length 4.15 m
Diameter 380mm
Fin Span 1.18 m (0.9 m wingspan)
Platforms Mig-31 Foxhound, up to 6 can be carried

Name R-27R/T ( AA-10 Alamo A/B/C/D )
Picture R-27R/T / AA-10 Alamo
Country Russia
Manufacturer Vympel
Date Deployed 1982
Range 2 - 80 km R-27R  70 km R-27T  130 km R-27RE  120 km R-27TE
Speed Mach 4
Propulsion One solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance SARH  R-27R, R-27E  All-aspect Infrared  R-27T, R-27TE
Warhead 39 kg expanding rod
Launch Weight 253 kg R-27R  254 kg R-27T  350 kg R-27RE  343 kg R-27TE
Length 3.70 m
Diameter 230 mm
Fin Span 0.77 m
Platforms Mig-29 Fulcrum, Su-27 Flanker, Su-35 Super Flanker

Name R-73 ( AA-11 Archer )
Picture R-73 / AA-11 Archer
Country Russia
Manufacturer Vympel
Date Deployed 1980s
Range 20 km (R-73M1)  30 km (R-73M2) 40 km
Speed Mach 2.5
Propulsion One solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance All aspect Infrared
Warhead 7.4 kg HE expanding rod warhead
Launch Weight 105 kg (R-73M1)  115 kg (R-73M2)
Length 2.9 m
Diameter 170 mm
Fin Span 0.51 m
Platforms Mig-29 Fulcrum, Mig-31 Foxhound, Su-24 Fencer, Su-25 Frogfoot, Su-27 Flanker, Su-35 Super Flanker

Name R-77 ( AA-12 Adder )
Picture R-77 / AA-12 Adder
Country Russia
Manufacturer Vympel
Date Deployed 1992
Range 50 km 90 km 150 km
Speed Mach 4.5
Propulsion solid rocket
Fuze Active radar
Guidance Radio Command + active radar homing on terminal phase (<20 km)
Warhead 30 kg HE fragmentation
Launch Weight 175 kg
Length 3.60 m
Diameter 200 mm
Fin Span 0.35 m
Platforms Mig-29 Fulcrum, Mig-31 Foxhound, Su-25 Frogfoot, Su-27 Flanker, Su-35 Super Flanker

Name PL-7
Picture PL-7
Country China
Manufacturer China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation
Date Deployed Mid 1980's
Range 500m minimum to 14.4 km
Speed Mach 2.5
Propulsion One solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance IR, all aspect homing
Warhead 13 kg HE fragmentation
Launch Weight 89 kg
Length 2.72 m
Diameter 160 mm
Wingspan 0.66 m

Name PL-10
Picture PL-10
Country China
Manufacturer China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation
Date Deployed Mid 1980's
Range 60 km
Speed Mach 4
Propulsion One solid-propellant rocket motor
Guidance Radar guided, Semi-active terminal
Warhead 33 kg HE fragmentation
Launch Weight 220 kg
Length 3.66 m
Diameter ?
Wingspan ?

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